Privacy / Terms Of Service
If you are unsatisfied with the service provided, please get in contact within 5 days of receiving your order and the appropriate corrections will be made without further cost to you. This only includes errors or omissions that were made during voicing and production, and does not include changes to scripting or production notes from you after service has been rendered. In the case of the latter, additional charges may apply.
You may not distribute audio, sweepers or voice-overs to a third-party without prior consent.
You may not sell (in whole or in part) audio, voice-overs or production elements/effects included in work purchased from this site.
Prices, special offers, discounts and promotions are subject to change without notice, and you agree that unless a contract executed by both parties is in effect, past rates are not guaranteed and are likely to vary in the future.
The audio you purchase may be included in future demos, promotions or marketing materials without any permission necessary or compensation due to you.
You agree to accept all liability arising from the use of this site and its services.
RadioVoiceImaging.com is committed to protecting your online privacy.
This site does not sell visitor information to any third parties.
When visiting this website, the server records your IP address, browser and system information, as is typical with web server software, but not an e-mail address. An e-mail address will be obtained only by means of a visitor-submitted form.
Once obtained, your e-mail address will never be abused, and only will be used to contact you regarding your current order, or messages of a personal nature (not mass mailings).
This site may use cookies to enhance the user experience and to provide general information that will be used to improve the service and user engagement.
Your web activities will not be monitored beyond this domain.
This website links to third-party websites. You agree to follow links at your own risk.